
Zhwand-Life Social Services Organization(ZLSSO)

Is a passionate and dedicated non-profit organization, deeply committed to empowering communities and fostering sustainable development in Afghanistan. Established in 2020, ZLSSO was founded on the principles of promoting gender equality and enhancing women's leadership, recognizing that women are instrumental in driving positive societal change.

From our inception, ZLSSO has been at the forefront of addressing some of the most pressing challenges faced by Afghan communities, particularly those affecting women and marginalized groups. We believe that empowering women and providing them with leadership opportunities is not only a matter of justice but also a crucial factor in achieving long-term societal progress.


Our Genesis and Motivation

The establishment of ZLSSO in 2020 was motivated by the urgent need to address the systemic inequalities and challenges faced by Afghan women and marginalized communities. The founders, a group of dedicated and experienced women leaders, envisioned an organization that could tackle these issues head-on through a multi-faceted approach, combining advocacy, education, and community-driven initiatives.

Commitment to gender equality

We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process.

Empowering Communities

We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking children of all ages. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process.

Holistic and Inclusive Approach

We believe that sustainable development requires a holistic and inclusive approach.


Our Mission

To empower women and marginalized communities through education, healthcare, livelihood support, and advocacy, fostering an inclusive and equitable society.


Core Values

At ZHWAND-LIFE SOCIAL SERVICES ORGANIZATION (ZLSSO), our core values guide every aspect of our work. These values are the foundation upon which we build our programs and initiatives, ensuring that we remain true to our mission and vision.


Our Vision

To save lives and uphold human dignity, ensuring respect and equal opportunities for all.






Women Empowerment



Health & Well-being



Livelihood Support