

  • General Education: We believe education is a powerful catalyst for change. Our educational initiatives aim to improve access to quality education, particularly for girls, and create a supportive learning environment that nurtures the potential of every child.
  • Education in Emergencies (EiE): We provide educational support in crisis situations, ensuring that children continue to learn even in the face of conflict and natural disasters. Our EiE programs include the establishment of temporary learning spaces (TLS) and community-based education (CBE) to maintain educational continuity.
  • Community-Based Education (CBE): We implement CBE programs to bring education to remote and underserved areas, making learning accessible to children who cannot attend formal schools due to distance or security concerns.
  • Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS): We set up TLS to provide safe, temporary educational environments for children displaced by emergencies. These spaces are equipped with essential learning materials and staffed by trained educators.